Quiz or Survey Appearance and Feedback Camtasia Studio > Flash Quiz and Survey > Add a Quiz or Add a Survey > Select a Question Type > Appearance and Feedback button Option Description Quiz Name or Survey Name Enter the name to appear at the top of the quiz or survey. Answer numbering Select how to number the answers in a multiple choice question. Include these questions in quiz score Select to include the current question in the quiz score. Display feedback when questions are answered Displays feedback (Correct/Incorrect/Other) when the viewer submits an answer. Feedback Enter the text to display when the viewer submits a survey answer. Thank you is the default. If correct, display Enter the text to display when the viewer submits a correct answer. If incorrect, display Enter the text to display when the viewer submits an incorrect answer. If incorrect Select the action to occur when a viewer submits an incorrect answer: Continue: Allows the viewer to continue to the next question. If it is the last question, the video continues. Jump to Time: Takes the viewer to a specific point in the video. Enter the time to jump to in Hours:Minutes:Seconds;Frames. See also: Flash Quiz and Survey Question Types Add a Flash Quiz or Survey